Wandelbots wants to reinvent the way we program robots

Darrell Etherington for TechCrunch:  Wandelbots has accomplished a lot for a startup that was founded officially only two weeks ago – the German company focuses on solving a key problem in robotics, using wearable technology and over two years of experience researching and designing adaptive software systems.

So what does Wandelbots actually do? Its first product is a sensor-laden suit that a person can wear to demonstrate actions so that a robot can then replicate what they do. Basically, it’s a system through which robots can “learn” what they need to without requiring that the person “teaching” them be an experienced robotics programmer.

Other projects have also employed vision-based systems to capture movement and teach it to other robots. But Wandelbots makes use of information related by embedded 9-axis sensors within the suits, which transmit magnometer, orientation and plenty of other data to the computer system to model the operator’s behavior.  Full Article:

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