Ways Robotics Are Revolutionizing Construction Sites

Robots are rapidly changing operations in numerous industries - from agriculture to medicine. The construction sector is also investing in them, and that trend seems set to continue.

Readers Choice 2020: How Robots Are Changing On-Site Construction

The introduction of construction robotics may prove to be a tipping point for this industry. How are robots changing on-site construction today, and where can we expect to see them in the future?

Robotic House Construction-Sekisui Heim's Pursuit in Combating a Housing Industry Labor Shortage

The way the production line is set up is said to be inspired by car factories. The industrial robots from Kawasaki are utilized on the unit assembly line, working on gable frame assembly, and overall assembly to connect the ceiling, floor and gable frames.

AI and Robots Redefining the Construction Industry

AI-enabled construction robots are helping the construction industry realize its true potential by simplifying the laborious tasks and executing them with precision.

The Hero of Notre-Dame

In spring, the famous cathedral of Notre-Dame was damaged in a devastating fire. However, the Paris fire department prevented the complete destruction of the building - with the help of a special unit in their ranks.

HoloBuilder Announces Partnership with Boston Dynamics

Controlled by HoloBuilder's SpotWalk app, the Boston Dynamics' Spot robot can walk job sites autonomously, capturing 360° images that record the progress of a construction project over time.

Robotics Is Paving New Ground In Construction

With robots available to fulfill most of the mundane jobs in construction, human workers will now be able to concentrate on more skill-oriented tasks.

Construction Robotics Market to Reach $226 Million Worldwide by 2025, According to Tractica

More than 7,000 Robot Assistants, Infrastructure Robots, Structure Robots, and Finishing Robots Will Be Deployed for Construction Between 2018 and 2025

How Robotics and Automation Are Changing the Construction Industry

Ready or not, advanced robotics, AI and automated hardware are all making their way into the construction industry. As these technologies are adopted on a grand scale, we'll start to see many archaic processes upgraded - not just to be more modern, but also more efficient...

Global Construction Robotics Market to Hit $420 Million by 2025

A recent report from QY Research looked at the global construction robots sales market and forecasted that the market would hit $420 million by 2025.

This Robot Tractor is ready to disrupt construction

Matt Simon for Wired: Give it coordinates, tell it what size the hole should be, hit enter, and it tears off and digs the thing with impressive accuracy.

Bricklaying Robots And Exoskeletons Are the Future of the Construction Industry

David Silverberg for Motherboard: The global construction space isn't known for ushering new tech into their workforce, but a painful labour shortage, calls for increased worker safety and more low-cost housing, and the need to catch up to other tech-savvy sectors is giving upstarts in robotics and exoskeletons their big moment.

Fastbrick signs a deal with Caterpillar to develop bricklaying robots

Jessica Sier for The Sydney Morning Herald: Fastbrick is building a commercial version of its robot bricklaying machine, Hadrian X, which will cost about $2 million when it goes into full production in 2019.

ETH zurich builds DFAB HOUSE using robots and 3D printers

DesignBoom.com: Built using a two-meter high construction robot, the machine works by moving autonomously on caterpillar tracks.

Robotic Construction Platform Creates Large Buildings on Demand

Evan Ackerman for IEEE Spectrum: Construction seems like an industry that, were I still living in Silicon Valley, I would be tempted to call "ripe for disruption." Researchers at the MIT Media Lab agree, pointing out in a paper just published in Science Robotics that construction "relies on traditional fabrication technologies that are dangerous, slow, and energy-intensive." Hey, sounds like a job for some robots, right?

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