How to Optimize Your CV for a Robotics Engineer Career

There is no doubt that the robotics industry will keep developing in the upcoming years. But the problem is that this industry is already experiencing serious labor shortages and a lack of talent.

Honeywell Study: Advancements In Warehouse Automation Will Present New Job Classes, Career Opportunities

While investment in automation is seen as vital for companies to remain competitive, supply chain leaders of American companies still envision a strong need for human capital in the workplace, according to a Honeywell

What Skills Are Needed to Be a Connected Worker?

Industrial analysts frequently debate what traits people need to shine in today's workforce. A person working on a production line needs manufacturing skills, plus communication capabilities, the willingness to be a team player and more.

Jobs in Robotics & How to Get Them

As robotics continues to grow, new applications are being introduced that are making it more lucrative to enter the industry. The possibilities for increasing accessibility make developing skills in voice-activation and human interfacing especially important.

What Jobs Have Robots Created?

With more affordable, more adaptable and easier to program robots spurring greater utilization of robotic automation, especially for small- to mid-size enterprises (SMEs), manufacturing productivity continues to increase.

5 Ways Automation Will Change the Nature of Work

Now that AI is on the scene, industry and commerce are on the verge of perhaps the greatest rush into automation ever, and the questions have turned philosophical. What will change in the day-to-day way that work gets done, and what will be required of tomorrow's workers?

Hiring for the factory of the future

Written by Simon Richardson ANCA Product Manager: As your operations are transformed, you will need a workforce that knows how to take your business into the future time and time again. This means rethinking how your hire, and how you upskill existing staff.

Solving the Labor Shortages in Manufacturing

While many Baby Boomers pursued trade or vocational jobs, Millennials and Gen Xers were encouraged to attend college and apply for white-collar jobs.

The Robotics Engineering Job Market: Expected Growth and Changes

As society becomes more dependent on technology, the robotics engineering job market will go through changes. Here are some of the things to expect this year and in the near future.

How Robotics are Automating a Solution to the Labor Shortage & Growing Customer Demands

While it's true that robots are making their way into more and more operations, the truth is there are not enough skilled workers to fill the number of available jobs.

Top Article for 2018 - How Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Can Create More Employment Opportunities

The impact of AI and robotics on employment goes far deeper than just job creation. AI, and subsequently, robotics, are niche technologies that demand an extensive understanding of every associated parameter.

Universal Robots hires more than 20 former Rethink Robotics employees

Reinforcing both companies pioneering roles in collaborative robotics, Universal Robots welcomes more than 20 Rethink staff members, incorporating valuable expertise in engineering, product development, and customer applications.

World Economic Forum: A.I. and robotics will create almost 60 million more jobs than they destroy by 2022

Saheli Roy Choudhury for CNBC: The outlook for job creation is more positive today because companies better understand what kind of opportunities are available to them due to developments in technology, according to WEF.

7 Advantages of Robots in the Workplace

If youre thinking about investing in some robots, share the advantages with your employees. You might be surprised at how many of them are quick to support the idea.

5 Tips for Writing a Great Robotics Engineer Resume

As a robotics engineer, your education is the most important part of your resume. Youve obtained a very valuable and specialized degree, so put that front and center in this section.

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Schmalz Technology Development - The Right Gripper for Every Task

Schmalz Technology Development - The Right Gripper for Every Task

In order to interact with their environment and perform the tasks, lightweight robots, like all industrial robots, depend on tools - and in many cases these are vacuum grippers. These form the interface to the workpiece and are therefore a decisive part of the overall system. With their help, the robots can pick up, move, position, process, sort, stack and deposit a wide variety of goods and components. Vacuum gripping systems allow particularly gentle handling of workpieces, a compact and space-saving system design and gripping from above. Precisely because the object does not have to be gripped, the vacuum suction cupenables gapless positioning next to each other.