Robots are the new normal - Humans should embrace, rather than fear, robot co-workers

According to a recent report from the World Economic Forum, 85 million jobs could be lost and displaced by new technologies in the next five years. It's no surprise that workers, particularly in manufacturing, worry how these developments will affect their jobs.

Smart Robotics: Revolution Is Motto, Efficiency Is Aim

It is only an imagination in which robots are behaving like humans and getting smarter day by day. However, the distance between imagination and reality has reduced considerably.

Flashy Cars: AVs Will Be Here Later Than Promised, Better Than You Thought

For a lot of people, the idea of trusting your life to a computer hurtling you down the road sounds foolhardy. The whole idea behind the autonomous vehicle is to eliminate human error and deliver zero street/road fatalities - awesome, but impossible.

Why robotics needs a radical reboot

Laboratory News: For artificial systems to behave anything like living systems we need to fundamentally rethink the standard view of what behaviour is all about says Dr Rupert Young

Be Polite to Machines!

Machines won't be receptive to emotional, snide, impetuous, plaintive, vague or rambling communication. The algorithms will gently correct our moods and keep inquiring, relentlessly reasonable - or push the matter off to be dealt with later because they're not getting a useful answer from us.

What Manufacturing Needs

U.S. labor statistics project we will be short some two million manufacturing workers in the next 10 years.

3 Cs of Communicating Change in RPA Context

A perception of threat and an atmosphere of impending doom is not exactly what organizations want RPA to herald. It is a positive step in creating leaner, efficient and productive business processes.

Brainstorm the Future

Robots will take our jobs and "move the cheese" for those seeking to replace those jobs. Simply referring to the old adages (Cars put blacksmiths out of work ... and they survived) will not suffice in modern times.

Preventing Your Robot Technology from Being Obsolete Tomorrow

While "future-proof" technology is realistically too much to hope for, savvy companies will choose manufacturers with a proven track record for long term thinking, look for inherent flexibility in their purchases and plan for the inevitable changes that are sure to come as technology advances.

The Real Cost of Robotics

Realize that the arm is but a tiny part in the long list of equipment that had to be provisioned, installed, and configured in the name of your automation project.

Our Concept of an Open-Source Online Platform for Makers and Educators to Share Their Projects in the Robotics Makers Community

This is an outline plan to create and develop an open-source robotics community. If you have some ideas and want to share them, please let me know.

Discrete Manufacturers: Special Considerations for Robotics and Demand-Driven Supply Chain Solutions

Misalignment with suppliers is often caused by existing replenishment policies such as min/max order policy.

Can Technology be Too Disruptive?

Disruptive innovation creates new markets, disrupts existing markets and replaces prior technology and thereby evolving existing markets to be productive, sustaining and value-driven.

Here comes the drone backlash

Mike Elgan for Computer World:  Consumer drone technology is barely taking off, and already a harsh public backlash is growing. Your typical garden variety consumer drone is lightweight, battery operated, has four propellers and is controlled by a smartphone. Most have cameras and beam back live video, which can be recorded for posterity. Some have high-quality HD cameras on them, and from that high vantage point can take stunning photos and videos. Drones are fun. They're exciting. They're accessible. But increasingly, they're becoming unacceptable. I'm sensing a growing backlash, a kind of social media pitchfork mob against drones and drone fans. It's only a matter of time, and not much time, before it will be politically incorrect to express any kind of enthusiasm for drones in polite company. I fear that many are about to embark on an "everybody knows drones are bad" mentality that will suppress the nascent industry and spoil this innovative and exhilarating technology. Here's what's driving the coming backlash:   Cont'd...

Make It Smart; Make It Here!

Make it smart and make it here! These are the rallying words heard around the world regarding keeping jobs in-country and manufacturing smarter, more efficiently, and less costly.

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Bota Systems - The SensONE 6-axis force torque sensor for robots

Bota Systems - The SensONE 6-axis force torque sensor for robots

Our Bota Systems force torque sensors, like the SensONE, are designed for collaborative and industrial robots. It enables human machine interaction, provides force, vision and inertia data and offers "plug and work" foll all platforms. The compact design is dustproof and water-resistant. The ISO 9409-1-50-4-M6 mounting flange makes integrating the SensONE sensor with robots extremely easy. No adapter is needed, only fasteners! The SensONE sensor is a one of its kind product and the best solution for force feedback applications and collaborative robots at its price. The SensONE is available in two communication options and includes software integration with TwinCAT, ROS, LabVIEW and MATLAB®.