Why Vision-Guided Systems Elevate Assembly Line Precision

Advances in machine learning technology have made once-unreliable vision-guided robots an attainable, commercially viable reality. These systems improve assembly line precision in many ways.

TinyML: What is It and Why Does It Matter

As a machine learning technique, TinyML combines reduced and optimized machine learning applications that require hardware, system, and software components. These operate at the edge of the cloud in real time while converting data with minimal energy and cost.

Why the conventional deep learning model is broken

The conventional deep learning model is a supervised model. It takes months of time to develop and train the model before it is ready for the production line.

Trends Shaping the Automation Industry

The topic of retrofitting, i.e., the modernization of machines and systems into the digital age, is also an important trend in terms of sustainability, energy saving and resource optimization that we are also serving.

The Intersection of Telematics and Robotics

The fourth Industrial Revolution, Industry 4.0, has seen telematics and automation come together. Here's a closer look at the intersection of these two innovations.

New Artificial Intelligence Error Proofing Features Machine Learning Technology

Checking for potential issues during production allows manufacturers to scrap or rework unacceptable parts at the beginning of a run, and correct issues before a lot of parts are produced - this saves a significant amount of time and expense.

6 Ways Machine Learning Is Revolutionizing the Warehouse

While machine learning offers many benefits to the company, try to move your employees around to other human-based areas of the business. Here are some ways that you can begin using machine learning in a warehouse environment.

The Invasion of AI/ML into Android Smartphones

The migration to utilizing AI and ML in mobile systems locally 'in memory' has happened very fast within a few short years.


New center of excellence will generate breakthrough technologies using artificial intelligence, machine learning, computer vision and advanced robotics

Machine Vision Technology Update

Machine vision technologies based on CNNs and deep learning can be used profitably in a wide range of different industrial sectors and applications, allowing the automation and significant acceleration of inspection processes in the electronics industry, for example.

Brain-controlled robots

CSAIL system enables people to correct robot mistakes using brain signals. Adam Conner-Simons via MIT News:  For robots to do what we want, they need to understand us. Too often, this means having to meet them halfway: teaching them the intricacies of human language, for example, or giving them explicit commands for very specific tasks. But what if we could develop robots that were a more natural extension of us and that could actually do whatever we are thinking? A team from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) and Boston University is working on this problem, creating a feedback system that lets people correct robot mistakes instantly with nothing more than their brains.   Cont'd...

Innovative Machine Learning Training Method Opens New Possibilities for Artificial Intelligence

From AZoRobotics:  As a result of a new machine learning algorithm formulated by engineering researchers Parham Aarabi (ECE) and Wenzhi Guo (ECE MASc 1T5) at University of Toronto, smartphones may soon be able to provide users with honest answers. The researchers prepared an algorithm that was capable of learning directly from human instructions, instead of an existing set of examples, and surpassed conventional techniques of training neural networks by 160%. But more astonishingly, their algorithm also surpassed its own training by 9% - it learned to identify hair in pictures with better reliability than that enabled by the training, signifying a major leap forward for artificial intelligence.   Cont'd...

ASU Robot learns to shoot hoops

ASU Interactive Robotics Lab:  The video shows a bi-manual robot that learns to throw a ball into the hoop using reinforcement learning. A novel reinforcement learning algorithm "Sparse Latent Space Policy Search" allows the robot to learn the task within only about 2 hours. The robot repeatedly throws the ball and receives a reward based on the distance of the ball to the center of the hoop. Algorithmic details about the method can be found here: 

What Leading AI, Machine Learning And Robotics Scientists Say About The Future

Jason Lim for Forbes:  Every year there is a new hot topic in tech. Today, it’s all about artificial intelligence, machine learning, virtual reality and autonomous vehicles. The difference between now and the past is that everything is becoming interconnected at a faster rate. We are entering an extremely critical time in history where society will change dramatically – how we work, live and play. Science fiction is morphing into reality. Flying cars exist, cars that drive themselves are on the road, and artificial intelligence that automates our lives is here. To make all of this amazing science and technology happen, it takes some extremely intelligent and curious people. In many ways, scientists are still at the helm of discovering breakthroughs through research.    Cont'd...

Japanese Robotics Giant Gives Its Arms Some Brains

Will Knight for MIT Technology Review:  The big, dumb, monotonous industrial robots found in many factories could soon be quite a bit smarter, thanks to the introduction of machine-learning skills that are moving out of research labs at a fast pace. Fanuc, one of the world’s largest makers of industrial robots, announced that it will work with Nvidia, a Silicon Valley chipmaker that specializes in artificial intelligence, to add learning capabilities to its products. The deal is important because it shows how recent advances in AI are poised to overhaul the manufacturing industry. Today’s industrial bots are typically programmed to do a single job very precisely and accurately. But each time a production run changes, the robots then need to be reprogrammed from scratch, which takes time and technical expertise.   Cont'd...

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